Employment Opportunities.


Before you enquire about employment, here are some things to know about working for PRiMO PRODUCE:

  • YOU MUST QUALIFY – please read the full criteria list below.
  • A JOB APPLICATION must be completed
  • POSITIONS ARE LIMITED – applying does not guarantee you a job. Only successful applicants will be contacted.
  • WE DO NOT ACCEPT FARM VISITS enquiring for work due to biosecurity, health and safety risks.

Our seasonal job opportunities are available at certain times of the year:

  • avocado harvest (Feb-Jul)
  • potato harvest (Jul-Dec)
  • seed cleaning operator (Jan-Sep)

TO QUALIFY for employment with us applicants MUST:

  1. have a valid working visa
  2. have an Australian Tax File Number & bank account
  3. have your own transport to/from work
  4. speak & understand English well (important for reading safety signage & taking instructions)
  5. be physically fit & have no medical conditions or injuries that prevent you from performing tasks
  6. have good personal hygiene (important for handling food products)
  7. be prepared to work long hours & be flexible with hours
  8. be able to stand, bend, twist, turn, reach & lift weights in repetitive motions for long periods of time
  9. be willing to work in conditions that can be uncomfortable, often hot, dusty, windy, wet
  10. be able to perform repetitive duties consistently & to a high standard
  11. watch moving production lines (can cause motion sickness)
  12. work on moving platforms (can cause motion sickness)
  13. be even-tempered, disciplined, mature & reliable
  14. be willing to learn by accepting instruction & correction
  15. be able to work in a team environment with people of different nationalities and cultural backgrounds


  • This work qualifies for those applying for a 2nd or 3rd Working Holiday visa.
  • Experience is not necessary, but a willingness to work hard is.
  • Training is provided on-the-job, but similar experience is beneficial.
  • Limited accommodation is available on-farm (when there are vacancies).
  • Applicants must provide photo ID & visa documentation.
  • All staff are required to complete a workplace induction before work begins.

TASKS & DUTIES can include all or some of the following:

  • Picking –  Some of our products are machine harvested and others are hand-picked. Hand-picking involves selecting the right product for harvesting by quickly identifying size, colour & fruit maturity. Working at heights using ladders & operating cherry-pickers is also required at times. Staff need to be agile, physically strong & have good dexterity for this job.
  • Grading –  This involves identifying & removing defective product & foreign matter on a moving production line. Good dexterity and focus is important for this job.
  • Sizing –  some produce requires specialized sizing beyond normal mechanical sizing or weighing. This involves visually identifying product sizes on a moving production line. Good dexterity and concentration is required for this job.
  • Packaging – We package product into several different sized & shaped containers including cartons and bags on a production line. Packaging can occur on the harvester in-field or in our packhouse. This job requires speed, accuracy and physical stamina. Duties included using electronic scales to weigh product, use and maintenance of industrial sewing machines to sew bags, stacking bags and cartons on pallets, using hydraulic equipment to control speed and movement of packaging plant and strapping pallets for transport.
  • Pruning – takes place after harvest is completed and includes the selective removal of branches to manage tree growth, fruit set and allows light into the tree canopy. Manual pruning is done use pruning poles, secateurs and hydraulic saws. Pruning requires good upper-body strength, co-ordination and stamina.
  • Quality Control – quality control of product being harvested and packaged is a critical element of all duties. How our product is grown, picked, packed & presented to the consumer determines what our product is worth. All staff have a responsibility to monitor, identify & report any quality control issues.
  • Food Safety – Our business is accredited under the Freshcare Code of Practice which requires a high standard of food safety and quality control measures. Staff must adhere to this code of practice at all times and maintain a high standard of food safety in every task.
  • Staff Management – some positions may require staff to manage other staff. This may include training, instructing & correcting staff in their duties. It also requires reporting to Management any issues regarding behavior, performance or quality control.