
PRiMO PRODUCE has more than 60 years combined experience in growing the humble household spud. The versatile potato is a favourite in the kitchen whether they’re boiled, mashed, roasted, grilled, fried. They’re economical, healthy, easy to prepare and best of all, delicious.

Our brushed potato lines are harvested and packed on farm and sold wholesale throughout the eastern states of Australia. Our harvest season is generally between August and November.

The Atherton Tableland has been a primary production area for potatoes since the 1960’s when irrigation enabled winter crops to be grown. The rich red volcanic soil of the Atherton Tableland produces the finest quality potatoes with a fabulous flavour. Potatoes are approximately 5% of the gross value of agricultural production on the Tabeland.

Newsflash: Potatoes are Healthy…!!!

PRiMO PRODUCE wants everyone to know the good news about potatoes. For too long the spud has received bad press, but the potato is full of vitamins & minerals and contains more potassium than a banana……!!!

The humble potato is vastly underrated in regards to its nutritional benefits. Due to the increased interest in foods that are low-carb or low-glycemic index, the potato has unjustly earned a bad reputation because of its starchy makeup, leading many to believe that it should be cut out of the diet altogether.

However, this nutrient-dense tuber is, in fact, packed with a variety of vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals that ward off disease and benefit human health.

Nutritional profile of potatoes

One medium potato contains:

  • 164 calories
  • 0.2 grams of fat
  • 0 grams of cholesterol
  • 37 grams of carbohydrate
  • 4.7 grams of dietary fiber
  • 4.3 grams of protein

The same serving provides the following percentage of your daily requirements:

  • 2 percent calcium
  • 51 percent vitamin C
  • 9 percent iron
  • 30 percent vitamin B6
  • 12 percent magnesium
  • 25 percent potassium

Potatoes also provide phosphorus, niacin, folate, choline, and zinc.

Unlike processed potato products like French fries and potato chips, whole, unprocessed potatoes have very little sodium (only 13 milligrams, less than 1 percent of the suggested daily limit).

Potatoes also contain a compound known as alpha-lipoic acid, which helps the body to convert glucose into energy.

Some evidence suggests that alpha-lipoic acid can help control blood glucose levels, improve vasodilation, protect against retinopathy in diabetic patients, and help preserve brain and nerve tissue.

Quercetin, a flavonoid found in potato skin, possesses powerful anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidant capabilities that protect the body’s cells from free radical damage.

(Courtesy of Medical News Today 12 Oct 2016)