Smith Bros. Transport delivering Primo Hay
Smith Bros. Transport (Mt Garnet) heading off with a triple loaded with Primo’s hay!!
Smith Bros. Transport (Mt Garnet) heading off with a triple loaded with Primo’s hay!!
Making hay while the sun shines – using the CLAAS Quadrant 5300 large square baler from NQ Agricultural Services
4 weeks till the start of harvest 2018 & the spuds are lookin’ great….perfect growing conditions this season!!
Another load of Primo hay headed south on Harrold Transport….thanks BJ for the terrific photo!!
#needahaybaleemoji #keepontruckin
Today we had the pleasure of meeting with a group of visiting grass seed producers and developers from Argentina. We had a lovely time chatting over a cuppa & taking them on a tour of our Tolga farm & seed cleaning facilities. Thanks Rod & Rhino from Selected Seeds for organising the visit!
Check out our busy little bee-buddies hard at work pollinating avocado flowers. Without these guys we wouldn’t have any avos. These flowers will eventually become our 2019 avocado crop.
Thanks to Graham Thornton at HONEY PROVIDORE for this wonderful pollinating service.
A big shout-out to our fantastic packing crew this avo season. They do an awesome job!! Thanks to: Antonin, Dylan, Emma, Hara, Lauren, Maria, Noemi. Its been a real pleasure working with them.
A perfect example of the Maluma Hass avo. Heaps of delicious flesh & tiny seed. Perfection!!
Questions? We’d love to hear from you!
PO Box 153, Tolga Qld 4882
Monday – Friday 8am-5pm
Closed Saturday & Sunday
Closed Public Holidays